What is Healthcare Mittelhessen?

Education, research, economy: The intensive networking in the health sector and medicine makes the location Central Hessen special throughout Germany. We want to link this networking in the healthcare sector even more closely with the Mittelhessen brand in order to convince new investors, specialists and cooperation partners of the successful medical industry location of Mittelhessen.

The University of Marburg has the largest department for Pharmacy in Germany.

With turnover of four billion euros and export ratio of over 90 percent, Hessen is one of the supporting pillars of the German medical technology industry.

Around 150 Central Hessian companies are specialized in the field of pharma and medical technology.

With around 9,600 employees the Universitätsklinikum Gießen/Marburg (UKGM) is the largest medium-sized Hessian company and the third largest university hospital in Germany.

Latest Storys

Viele ältere Menschen sind auf Pflegedienstleister angewiesen. Bei 1A Care finden sie den für sie passenden Dienst.
More people and families are looking for personal care services and health aids. However, the search process means they lose a lot of valuable time – which they could use instead for persons who need care. A company based in Central Hessen, Germany, wants to change this.
Immer mehr Daten über unsere Gesundheit werden digital gesammelt.
Blood values, medication plans or brain scans – every day millions of pieces of patient information arrive in the computers of medical practices and clinics. Digitalization has led to massive amounts of medical data – but who receives the data, and how do researchers and hospitals process it?
Dank Robotik und DaVinci könnten so oder so ähnlich in Zukunft immer mehr Operationen aussehen.
Can you imagine being operated on by a robot? In fact, today robots are already used during many worldwide operations. Now, there are research results about their success and safety. Soon, operations in Central Hessen, Germany, will also be included in these statistics.
Small beetles are more productive than you think: They can heal wounds or provide basic substances for the production of antibiotics. That's why scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute in Giessen, Germany, are researching how these crawling insects can be used in medicine – and how they are already successful.
Ventilators are not always life-savers: Although sending oxygen to the lungs is fundamental during operations, the body’s movements during breathing – such as the rise and fall of the chest – can actually interfere with receiving oxygen. A new revolutionary ventilation technology from Central Hessen, Germany, is able to avert
Eine CNC-Fräse fertigt orthopädische Einlagen – genau abgestimmt auf die individuellen Bedürfnisse jedes Kunden.
The wrong shoes can cause mispositioned feet. Using new 3D technology, orthopedist Daniel Hartmann produces insoles that provide relief for workers engaged in demanding physical labor. Renowned athletes also rely Central Hessen’s Hartmann for orthopedic high-tech and optimal sports performance.

AI in medicine: Marburg leading the way


A pioneer in international AI research, Prof. Dr. Martin Hirsch takes the helm at Philipps University and the University Hospital in Marburg. With this newly created professorship, Marburg leads the way as a model region for AI-supported medicine.
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A world first in Lich: Asklepios Hospital implants an 'intestinal pacemaker'


It's a milestone in treating fecal incontinence: For the first time, an MRI-capable intestinal pacemaker was implanted in a patient at the Licher branch of Asklepios Hospitals. This breakthrough is great news for patients who have to undergo intestinal MRIs regularly.
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Implementation of the EU Medical Device Regulation well underway


Expected bottlenecks don't manifest: More and more medical device manufacturers are "MDR-ready". For everyone else, MedTech Europe has now published concrete recommendations.
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